By far one of my favorite posts was related to this link. The technology, EPOC, created by Emotiv has practically unlimited uses. This technology also opens up a new door for prosthetic control. Up to this point prosthetics which could be controlled required neural implants or nerve relocations. With EPOC a user could control their limb with a simple headset rather than needing surgery.
One of the craziest sounding ideas ever, blind people driving. However, through the technology demonstrated in this link, blind driving might one day be possible. This link provides a fairly in-depth look at the ways in which blind driving might one day occur.
This link demonstrates the multiple uses of the body even in ways you might not expect. The article speaks about using a tooth to give someone sight. This idea sounds ridiculous but is very possible. For a news article, it has very good information and provided some links to sites which gave a more detailed description of the actual procedure used to give someone their sight using their tooth.
I like this link because it showed a different side to the technology I have spoke on. Rather than just aid a disabled person, the smart pen and paper technology helps to educate them as well. Also this technology could help anyone who is in a classroom-like setting and has trouble keeping up with teachers or professors.
This link is one that brought to light new information about prosthetics. Before I read this article, I had never placed much thought if any at all into the sense of feeling that is lost with prosthetic limbs. The article is definitely intriguing in the sense that it makes you think more about every aspect of prosthetics rather than just the simple prosthetic limb.
Through this link I realized the true cost of both time and money that is placed into medical R&D. If you want a reality check and want to find out how much funding exists and how much funding can cost, then you should check out this link.
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